Mastering the KOTOR 2 Korriban

Mastering the KOTOR 2 Korriban Test: A Guide to the Trial of Strength

In the iconic Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords (KOTOR 2), the journey of the Exile takes them to the dark and ancient planet of Korriban. Here, players face the daunting Trial of Strength, a rite of passage that tests their abilities and determination. To conquer this challenging test, we’ve assembled a comprehensive guide filled with strategies, tips, and insights to help you emerge victorious.

The Korriban Test: Trial of Strength

The Trial of Strength on Korriban is a pivotal moment in the game, where your character’s skills are put to the ultimate test. Here, you’ll encounter several formidable opponents, and your choices during these encounters can significantly impact the outcome. Below is a breakdown of key elements in the Trial of Strength:

Key ElementsDescription
1. Darth Sion EncounterFace the relentless Sith Lord in a battle of endurance.
2. Battle against Sith AssassinsDefend against waves of assassins with different abilities.
3. Navigating the TombSolve puzzles and traps to reach your ultimate goal.
4. Influence OpportunitiesInteract with your companions to shape their destinies.

Strategies for Success

  1. Preparation is Key: Before heading to Korriban, ensure your character is well-equipped with powerful weapons, armor, and healing items. Upgrade your lightsaber if you’re a Jedi for added advantage.
  2. Engaging Darth Sion: The battle against Darth Sion is grueling. Use Force powers like Force Wave to push him back, and don’t forget to heal when needed. Save your game before this encounter to retry if necessary.
  3. Handling Sith Assassins: When facing Sith Assassins, use area-of-effect attacks like grenades or Force powers to manage groups efficiently. Focus on the weaker foes first to reduce their numbers.
  4. Puzzle Solving: The tomb on Korriban is riddled with puzzles and traps. Save frequently to avoid setbacks and explore thoroughly to find valuable items and lore.
  5. Companion Interactions: Engage in conversations with your companions during the trial. Your choices can influence their alignment and story progression.

Navigating the Tomb

  1. Sith Lightsaber: Discover a unique Sith lightsaber within the tomb. It’s a potent weapon, but wielding it may affect your character’s alignment.
  2. Holocron Chambers: Explore the holocron chambers to gain insights into the Sith lore. These chambers also provide opportunities to strengthen your character’s connection to the Force.
  3. Unlocking the Final Chamber: To unlock the final chamber, you’ll need to solve the puzzle involving the Sith statues. Pay attention to the clues provided and be patient in your approach.

Triumph on Korriban

By following these strategies and making informed decisions during the Trial of Strength on Korriban, you’ll not only progress in the game but also deepen your connection to its rich narrative. Embrace the challenge and become the ultimate Jedi or Sith in the galaxy.